We welcome our family and friends to follow along on this incredible journey God has planned for us... adopting a babygirl from China.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Maelyne turned 16 months old!

It is hard to believe Maelyne is now 16 months old. She is a big girl now. And it has been a month since our last post. She has really kept us busy that I have not much time to log into her blog and post updates. Anyway, for her 16th monthsarry (June 10, 2009), I got her a white cupcake and let her blow her candle. When asked to blow the candle, she tries to blow through her nose (she's taught to blow her nose when she has a cold). I thought it was funny. I'm sure though she'll get it right someday.
Maelyne had her second doctor's visit on June 9th. She now weighs 20 lbs, 29.5 inches in lenght, and with a head circumference of 17.5 inches. During this visit, she got her second shot for polio, and PCV, HIB and DTaP combined. A nurse visit is scheduled in 4 weeks to get her third and last shot for polio, and will be given Hep A vaccine. As expected, she had a slight fever after her shots but she is doing just fine with some infant tylenol drops.
Some developmental milestones:
* she can now walk by herself up to 25 steps
* she brushes her teeth with assistance
* uses her potty trainer
* says some new words like daddy, hug, bird, amma (grandma), sounds like mommy, ba-bye and imitates animal sounds
* she's into books now specially with colors and pictures
* she likes to pretend plays and more...
We are very pleased of Maelyne's progress so far. Although she's been a handfull little girl and it's becoming a challenge, we are here to protect her, guide her, discipline her and teach her the right things. This is what parents do anyway and we love, love, love being parents to her.

Our social worker, Darcy Kennedy, had her first post-adoption visit on May 30. Three post-adoption visits are required by CCAA, one at 3 months, one at six months and at 1 year. This is the first time she met Maelyne. During the visit, Darcy went over the questionares she had e-mailed us weeks before she came to our house. The questions were basically how Maelyne is adjusting to her new environment, bonding with family, her developmental milestones, etc. Glad Maelyne was in good spirits that morning and Darcy saw how happy she was and how she gets excited, etc. She was able to hold her, too and played with a ball a little. We were also required to give 5 photos of Maelyne with at least one photo with both the parents. Darcy was pleased to know that our family is doing great with our new addition.

Few photos to share...

With her niece Kaelyn
With Ate Sheryl the night she left for the Philippines

Maelyne turns 16 months old...