We welcome our family and friends to follow along on this incredible journey God has planned for us... adopting a babygirl from China.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Maelyne's crib has arrived...

We got a call from Babie's 'R' Us today at about 12:30 informing us that the crib we ordered has arrived at the store, a few days earlier than we expected. Henry went to pick up the pieces at 2:00 pm so he'll be back home in time for the 43rd Superbowl. Henry's brother Danny and family arrived from LA to visit. As soon as all the pieces were brought to Maelyne's room, he was very excited he started assembling it and missed the US National Anthem sung by Jennifer Hudson. He had to stop to watch the football game (Pittsburg Steelers vs. Arizona Cardinals in Tampa, Florida) and continued during half-time. We temporarily placed the beddings because we just want to see how it looks. I will wash them later when we are closer to our travel date. The lady bugs look really nice! Hang on Maelyne, just a few more weeks and Mom and dad will tuck you in the crib...